About Us

ToolWise Inc.

ToolWise Inc was created in 2011. Our dream of creating custom software development became true right then and there. We have experience in various industris ranging from Education, Law, Classic Cars, Procurement, Data gathering, Online forms, Online Surveys and Questionnaires, etc...

We are a Texas HUB certified company. Our main goal is to bring the latest technology to all clients big and small. We have done applications that range from a simple online form to an application that manages millions of dollars in the procurement process for contruction companies. There is no job too small or too big.

Our Skills

HTML 5 and Web Technologies100%

Mobile Development100%

Secure online data100%

Customer Satisfaction100%

Our experience

Pope visit to Mexico


Ministry of health “Sistema Unico Contigente Papa” real time inter-agency collaboration software to report incidents and ensure appropriate levels of emergency triage and response. “Heat strokes”, “People falling from trees”, "Walls collapsing", "Motorcycle accident", etc…

Dengue Real Time Notifications


Dengue outbreaks in Mexico are still an annual threat. We implemented a real-time questionnaire that alerts state and federal level officials to take action when an outbreak is in the horizon.

Procurement automation


Neltic - Project AMP is a SaaS product that automates the whole procurement process and more. Eveything from Requisitions, Request For Quotes, Comparing Best Competitive Quotes Automatically, Purchase Orders, Receiving, Overages Shortages and Damages. This product is amazing.

Legaltracking the software for lawyers


Legaltracking is a software created for automating the everyday chores of law firms in Mexico. It covers a wide range of law areas like: Contracts, Litigation, Industrial Property, Intellectual Property among others.

ToolWise Surveys and Analytics


Toolwise create a real-time general survey system to fulfill market needs of real-time data. We have served political polls, health and education needs. Additionally our survey system can send real-time alerts through email and SMS.

Real Time Classic CAr Auctions


We have a real time platform for auctioning classic cars. This allows for customers to signup and bid on weekly auctions.